agent orange

Reflections on a Poisoned Jungle

In my view, the war was unwinnable. The Vietnamese had been there before with foreign invaders. That’s what we were to many Vietnamese. To this day I hear talk of tactics among the revisionists. If only the war had been fought better strategically, we could have won. In reality, we made many of the same mistakes as the French. We failed to learn from their miscues or our own. The Vietnamese were steadfast and patient in their resistance.

Agent Orange: a veteran's perspective

Barely three years after the fall of Saigon in 1975, the debate over the health issues caused by Agent Orange was already emerging. Definitive answers have been hard to come by. What has been overwhelmingly frustrating for veterans is the sense that no sincere effort has been made to find and monitor the long-term effects of exposure on the part of those who could do something about it.