Poisoned Jungle book launch (September 12)

Photo by Shandra Ballard

Photo by Shandra Ballard

Many thanks to those who attended the Edmonton book launch of Poisoned Jungle on September 12. Thirty-five arrived despite a cool and overcast day. The rain that fell lightly earlier in the morning lifted and allowed the event to proceed. Held outside due to Covid-19 considerations where social distancing could be followed, the crowd fit nicely into the yard of Kimberley and Henry Howard. A special thanks to them for hosting the event.

After Kimberley’s introduction of James Ballard, the author spoke about writing the novel before reading four passages from the book. A question and answer followed. Segments from the presentation will be posted on this website. For those of you who were unable to attend, a video of the presentation is below.

Photo by Shandra Ballard

Photo by Shandra Ballard